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Mountain View Childcare

Where children always come first

Our Philosiphy:

For the last several years the Mountain View Childcare has modified its vision through inspiration from the philosophy of Reggio Emilia.

The Reggio approach fundamentally believes that young children are capable and confident learners who are able to build meaningful relationships with their peers, adults, their community and the natural world around them.


In a Reggio inspired center like Mountain View Childcare one will see high levels of dramatic play, exploratory play, and self-guided, teacher supported curriculum. To encourage this, our teachers support children’s learning initiatives by offering choices and guidance central to the ideas that the children have developed with their peers.

The children use few if any pre-fabricated mass produced materials, employing instead open-ended learning materials such as blocks, clothing, recycled materials and real world tools. The BFC is also committed to serving children and families who have limited financial resources and special needs. We partner with local agencies to provide services for all children based on their individual needs and the needs of their families.